Monday, June 30, 2014

City of Elvis

We left Nashville with an Anniversary breakfast at a cute hipster joint ( we are always seem to be attracted to these places....)
We took a scenic route out of town and passed by a 1950s relic inn and diner:

Our first Memphis landmark was the Lorraine motel which now houses a very intense civil rights museum. Very thorough and host to the controversy if the 9 million dollars that went into the museum would have been what Martin Luther King would have wanted. Would it have served a better purpose to be used on education and town revival?

Then the birthplace of rock and roll! 

First rock and roll song recorded, anyone??
Rocket 88 by Jackie Brenston. Yea never heard of it, but here it is the original record:

And of course this is where Elvis was discovered, along with the other members of the Millionaire Quartet, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins. Here is the original recording room...

I was super pumped for the Mississippi, but couldn't get a glorious photo, yet.

And what would the perfect two year anniversary dinner be for the Smiths? You guessed it, juicy, spicy fried chicken! 

And what was with the security guard at the door??

 The romantic Dudley Freckles found a rooftop over the Mississippi. : ) and there is a breeze that doesn't make me cold! Love!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Also, ironic that you visited the Loveless gift shop on said anniversary. Also, kind of odd that they turned the Motel where MLK was assassinated into a Civil Rights Museum.
