Wednesday, August 6, 2014

World's Largest Prairie Dog

Perhaps we are jaded from all our city experiences, but there was nothing too special here other than all the breweries, so we kept it short with the priority being the Rockies!
Special food- chocolate covered bacon, served chilled.
Free giveaway- hat!
The most exciting part for me was the black tailed prairie dog community outside our hotel! Yip, yip!

Getting through Kansas- 8 hours of grasslands! As expected!
We did make a special roadside stop at Prairie Dog Town, home to the world's largest prairie dog and the five legged cow. I did not have the heart to photograph the five legged cow, thought it was insensitive. Do not be alarmed it, was a rescue from a local cattle farm.

We talked to the owners who have been there 74 years and apparently this "zoo" was more profitable than the grocery they used to own. The enclosures were questionable for things like coyotes, buffalo and rattlesnakes, but we were ensured that this is more pristine than the Denver Zoo. I don't want to see the Denver zoo.

Had a lovely lunch in Hayes, Kansas, a college town, of course at a local brewery! Sunflower pesto dip for a local treat, fried bread called grebbles.

Landed in Kansas City, pretty tuckered out, had some Chinese and then said goodbye to the epic road trip beard! Mark said that he needed to get rid of the beard because he kept getting food stuck in it, ie. marshmallow from s'mores.


The set up-

50 minutes later-

1 comment:

  1. that beard actually made you look like a teacher...that thing was epic.
