Saturday, July 12, 2014

New Mexico, a road trip piñata.

Our morning drive westward was full of changing terrain. It started dry and flat, then gradually became more hilly with grazing cows. To our surprise we then climbed up 8,650 feet in the Sacremento Mountains which actually had alpinesque flora, log cabins and a temperature of only 66 degrees.

And they even have skiing!

Then our surroundings changed to desert mountains.

Coming down from the mountains we could see our next stop, the White Sands. This picture isn't too clear, but checkout the white line in the distance, all gypsum from a time submerged under a tropical sea.

And what do you do in a sea of gypsum?

You sled! Rent a saucer and find any dune! Mark eagerly ran to the top and plopped himself down expecting to zoom down...not quite.

But after a few runs, a path formed that increases our speed and enjoyment!

Next destination: Tuscon. Not before co-pilot Lauren finds the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Museum. Cows and donkeys? Duh, obviously stopping!

I don't feel they put enough emphasis on the importance of donkeys in the survival of the natives though.

Lots of emphasis on pecan orchards however.

New Mexico also has border patrol inspections for all vehicles! All they asked us was if we were both citizens...I was hoping for more ofan interrogation 

Summary, loved diverse New Mexico!

Made it to Tuscon, Mark has proclaimed it his favorite so far. It's kind of like the best parts of Red Bank on steroids. It's got some of Nashville but better music. Also a far better beer selection. Plus, mountains in the background!


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